ربي يوفقكم أكثر وأكثر لخدمة الناس، وبارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله الف خير.
Dr. Hossam El Mahdy, Professor of Vascular Surgery and Consultant in Diabetic Foot Treatment and Varicose Veins Treatment using Laser, Sclerotherapy, and CLaCS, possesses extensive experience that makes him the best vascular surgeon. He has worked in numerous hospitals across Europe, the Gulf region, and Egypt. He has received many certifications and trainings abroad, particularly in Germany, which have contributed to his expertise.
Dr. Hossam El Mahdy, Professor of Vascular Surgery and Consultant in Diabetic Foot Treatment and Varicose Veins Treatment using Laser, Sclerotherapy, and CLaCS, possesses extensive experience that makes him the best vascular surgeon. He has worked in numerous hospitals across Europe, the Gulf region, and Egypt. He has received many certifications and trainings abroad, particularly in Germany, which have contributed to his expertise.
The long-standing experience in this field began with Dr. Hossam El Mahdy obtaining his first PhD in Vascular Surgery in Egypt in 2013 from Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine. In addition to this milestone, he has received numerous awards and accolades for research related to this specialization.
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ربي يوفقكم أكثر وأكثر لخدمة الناس، وبارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله الف خير.
د.حسام من أشطر الدكاتره في مصر.
منور الدنيا كلها يا دكتور حسام يا محترم وبالتوفيق دائما إن شاء الله يا غالي .
أعظم دكتور فى مصر.
بجد ميرسي جداً لحضرتك حسيت بفرق كبير من حيث الراحه من الألم، ومن حيث الشكل النتيجه مرضيه جداً، شكراً لتعبك واخلاصك في عملك من أفضل الدكاتره فعلاً ربنا يبارك لك.
بارك الله فيك يادكتور حسام المهدي.
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